
Friday, 14 June 2019

Book Week in School.

This week was Book Week. There was a play performed in our school hall on Tuesday.

The play was about the Treasure hunt that has been written by Craig Christie.

There were two tribes living on an island. These two tribes blamed each other for stealing each other song.

The Treeland tribe was led by George and the Seaview tribe was led by Jessica. These two characters teamed up to solve the problem about the lost treasure which was their song.

The problem was solved when they were able to put the torn map together and work out how to get to the treasure. They had to read different books to solve the problem.

I really enjoyed this play because both the characters were very smart and talented. They sang very well and were also hilarious.

Thank Sam and Lidia for coming to our school. We hope to see you again next year.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Financial Literacy.

We learned about how to budget and save money. The other topics we learned about were insurance, borrowing and lending, identity theft mortgage, trust and saving money. Our tutors were Emma, Jane, and Matt from Price Waterhouse and Cooper Accountant firm. I enjoyed all the sessions because the activities were very exciting and practical.

Friday, 10 May 2019

Maths. Subtraction

WALT: Solve the subtraction problems using place value partitioning.



This is how I worked it out.
I can not take away 9ones from 2ones so I borrow one ten from 5tens now I got 12 and 12-9=3

Since I borrow a ten from the 5tens now I got 4tens. I can not take away 5tens from 4tens so I borrow one hundred from 9hundred and now I got 140 and 140-50=90

I took away 200 from 800 and I was left with 600 so 600+90+3=693.

My mum's nana's birthday

Yesterday was a beautiful day because I went to North Shore for my mum's nana's birthday. I went with my family including my cousin. My cousin came with $100 dollars for my nana. I was so glad to be there. My mum's nana turned 86 years old.

All of our family was there. There were 80 people there. We decided to went to the Valentines and celebrate her birthday there. She was so happy that day. All of the other people were looking at us when we were praying and singing. After we prayed we went and dish our food. I got pizza and fish and chips. I ate and ate then it was dessert time. I had ice cream, mud cake, jelly, and lollies. I kept on eating all the sudden I wanted to play games so I ate fast and went to my dad and get coins. I went on the Fantasy World Machine and I got 9 lollies. We were all so loud and then one of the workers there came and told us to go to our table and we all ran.

On 9:00pm all of us came out and went back home. I was so happy and all of us were so tired so I fell asleep in the car. My dad carried me to my bed and I continued sleeping.

Cultural activity.

I am feeling very excited about taking part in Cultural activities at school this term.

Today I picked two cultural groups that I want to be in.

My first choice was Fijian and I picked Kiwi Can jam for my second choice.

Sunday, 5 May 2019

The Queen's sister's birthday.

We were so excited because it was the queen’s sister’s birthday. It happens in our church the Vaine Mo' onia which are the first Methodist. We first started with a prayer and one of her protectors took us to this big room. It was full of stuff and toys for us. There were bouncy castles and lots of other stuff. For big peoples, they ate and celebrate the queen’s sister’s birthday.

After 2 hours one of her protectors came and took us to the queen’s sister’s birthday. We all pizza, presents, candies and we lined up just to shook her hand. I was so happy that day and I can’t wait for the queen’s sister’s birthday. We all came back home and took a rest because we were all tired.

Math.Subtraction and Addition.

WALT: We have been learning how to solve addition and subtraction problems in various strategies.

I can’t take away 1ones from 0ones so I borrow a 10 from the 6tens. It makes 10 10-1=9

Since I borrow 1 a 10 from 6tens, I am left with 5tens so

I can not take away 3ones from 2ones so I borrow 1 ten from the 1 tens. It makes 12 12-3=9

Since I borrow 1 ten from 1 ten I have no more ten so I borrow 100 from the hundreds and it makes 100. 100-80=20.I have 8 hundred now  and so

Lest we forget poem.

They answer the call with a mighty heart.
They took a stand In pursuit of liberly.
They died on foreign land.

Those who made it home.
Carry a burden within their souls.
More years behind them now, yet stories remain untold.

We may never understand it.
Few hearts can comprehend, the courage one must possess.
To rise and take a stand.

I ask you, dear friends and family, how will you remember this most earnest legacy.
Will you bow your head and offer a silent prayer. Let’s honor all they sacrificed.

For the freedom we hold dear.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Being Cybersmart

Being Cybersmart is important. Any information shared online can become permanents, can be copied shared and broadcast. Remember to be Cybersmart and do not share private stuff with others. Please stay Cybersmart.

Math. Subtraction

WALT:We are learning to solve subtraction problems using various strategies.

I can not subtract 7ones from 4 ones because 7 is greater than 4, so I will borrow one ten from 9 tens and add it to 4 ones and I will have 14 ones, so 14-7=7

Since I borrowed one ten from 9 tens, I am left with 8 tens, so
I can not subtract 8ones from the 4 ones because 8 is bigger than 4, so I will borrow one ten from the 8tens and add it to the four and I will have 14

Since I borrow one from 8tens I am left with 70.

Children's Day.

On the 2nd of May, we had Children's day at my church. My friends and I were so excited and nervous too. My favorite part is when we have to do the actions and sing our song. My church was the first Methodist in New Zealand.After doing action and singing our song we deserved chocolate because we were the best class out of all of the other classes.

On our way home, we went and eat Mac Donalds together. My parents were so happy and so impressive of us. I felt so good about it. The next Children’s day is coming up I really can’t wait for next year.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

All about ANZAC.

World War 1 began in August 1914, because Britain and Germany put a declared on each other.ANZAC day occurs on the 25th of April. It commemorates all New Zealanders that were killed in World War 1. Thousands lost their lives in Gallipoli:87,000 Turkeys,44,000 men from France. People in many different countries wear a poppy to remember those who died in War.ANZAC stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corps. Lest we forget.

My caterpillar poem

What do caterpillars do?
Nothing much but chew and chew.
What do caterpillars know?
Nothing much but how to grow.

They eat and eat and by is by will make them be a butterfly.
But that is more than I can do, However much I chew and chew.

Friday, 12 April 2019


Today is the last day of Term one Horray!!!!

What I have done well this term was my reading, maths and helping my friends when they are stuck of something. I feel like I need to work on my Writing and using descriptive language. I would do lots of Writing at home and also at school to make things better for the next term. I felt happy and amazing working in Room 10 this term because my friends and teacher supported me.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Math Problems

WALT: Solve division and multiplication problems using various strategies.

There are 125 students in a school. They were given some sketching pencils by and Art Supplies Store.
  1. If each student received 8 pencils each, how many pencils were there altogether?
  2. If there were 25 pencils in a packet, how many packets of pencils did they receive?
  3. If the price of one packet of pencils was $12.00, how much did the store spend on the pencils?

A.If each student received 8 pencils each, how many pencils were there altogether?
125 x 8 =
100 x 8 = 800
20 x 8 = 160
5 x 8 = 40
800 + 160 + 40 = 1000
1000 pencils
B.  If there were 25 pencils in a packet, how many packets of pencils did they receive?
1000 ➗25= 40
I know 25 x 4 = 100, so 1000 ➗100 = 10, so 10 x 4 = 40
40 packets
C. If the price of one packet of pencils was $12.00, how much did the store spend on the pencils?
$12.00 x 40 =
12 x 10 = 120
So 120 x 4 = 480

My class favorite sport.

On Tuesday the 2 of April 2019. My class and I have been studying a lot. Our focus question was: What is Room 10 favorite sport?

We worked in a group of four and we get it out in an interview Room 10 to find out what does our class has? In our class, the sport that we choose was six different sport which was Rugby, Basketball, Netball, Volleyball, Cricket and Soccer.

Our favorite sport was rugby which was 11. Our next favorite sport was Netball which was 6, Soccer 3, Volleyball 1,3 Cricket and 1 Basketball.

Friday, 29 March 2019


For the last two weeks,Room 10 has been studying about Statistic.Our focus question was:What is the Ethnic makeup of Glenbrae school?

We worked in group of fours and we get it out and interview Room 10  to find out what does our class have.Our class had 11 Tongans,6 Samoans,3 NZ Maori,6 C.I Maori,1 Indians and 1 Chinese.

Duffy Role Model Assembly.

Yesterday,Glenbrae school had it Duffy Role model assembly.Our role model was Sam  James Verlinden. He is also known as Sam V.Sam V is famous as a musician,song writer,singer and an actor.

Sam spoke to  us about the important of books and reading because he felt that these were the things which helped him become a successful musician.

Sam study at the Auckland university of technology  and attain a bachelor degree in communication.We had a lot of fun with Sam because he taught us how to play a game called Boom Fa.This came involved clapping.After we played the game he gave out the Duffy book prices to each class.

I felt really excited when Sam sang us his song when he was twelfth which is what you had done for me.I hoped Sam come back to our school.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Fun time with dad and friends.

One hot, sunny morning, my friends and I went to play outside. Then my dad came and told us to get into the car so we could go to the Otahuhu pools. I ran inside my house and got everything that we all needed for the pools. My friends and I were very excited because we were going to the pools.

When we got there, we were already changed into our togs. We all started at the bombing place. My friends and I went to the bombing place and we jumped off the plank. After that, we went swimming in the swimming competitions. We all took turns and I came first but my friends came second.

On our way home, my dad asked us if we wanted to eat some food, so I and my friends said yes and he took us to KFC to eat.

After eating our delicious dinner we were so glad because it was our luckiest day ever. It was an awesome day. My friends and I all said thank you so much to my dad because he took us to the pool and to KFC to eat. It was the most brilliant day that I have ever had.

I really wish that day could happen again.

By Nehilofi

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Riding on Hover board and skates

On Thursday the 13-02-19 I decided to rode on my hoverboard and then rode on my skates.My first step was to hop on the hoverboard and start moving.Second was going round like a circle and I tried I fell down and I kept on trying until I got used to it and my last try was really awesome I did 48 spins and I was proud of myself next up was to rode on my skates.

Riding on my skates was really hard because I have to try something that I have never rode on since last time.I have rode a skate but I forgotten so I have to bring my friend to help me.Me and my all of my friends  start off with some steps.First one is that I have to run a cross the road and I did it.Running with it was so hard no matter how hard I tried I keep on falling and making mistakes but I learnt from my mistakes.When I got used to it I rode on it.
I also showed my parents and cousins and my aunt & uncle.They were very happy and they take me and my friends when with my uncle to the Otahuhu pool and swim.We were really happy to be at the pool.

I went back home with my friends and took a shower and slept for school.It was the best day of my life.I learnt no matter how many mistakes that you have never give up because you was born to be ready for anything.

Monday, 18 February 2019

Going to the feast

 My dad came to take us  to a feast with my family.At the feast we were helping my mum to get the table ready and put some fruit in a big bowl and on top some chocolate bar and biscuit Tim Tam, Finger and also  some cookies.

When the feast start we pray and then we ate.First we ate chocolate bar,biscuit and also some healthy food.Then we ate and ate and ate until we got few.Meanwhile we have to take our food outside and put it in the van  after we have to play with the little kids.Thirdly we play gymnastic this is how it goes like,Who can do the splits?Then I win.Next who can do the feet touch the head and me and Latu win.

Finally we went home with a happy face because we enjoy  the feast and it was really cool to went on a feast like that.We have KFC for dinner and slept for school.I wish that we will went to a feast again.

Friday, 15 February 2019

Multiplication and Division.

13 x 5=
10 x 5=50
5 x 5=25
19 x 6=
10 x 6=60
9 x 6=54
15 x 7=
10 x 7=70
5 x 7=35
18 x 6=
10 x 6=60
8 x 6=48
14 x 9=
10 x 9=90
4 x 9=36

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Spending time with my friends home alone

Today me and my cousins and friend had a sleepover at my house.My parents was in the kitchen with my friends parents chatting about something it was so fun because we throw a party at my house when my parents are at the Warehouse shopping clothes and last to the Pak’nsave.

Me and my friends ate ice-cream,ice-blocks,noodles,cookies with milk,lollies all of our junk food from the cupboard was finished by us it was fun there without our parents we decided to watch a movie we watch Harry Potter.Meanwhile watching I got some popcorn out and we started watching our movie.

When we finished our movie it was 12 pm and our parents just called us and they said”We are on our way home now.We jump up and started cleaning.

When we finished cleaning up we all sit down and went  on our own phone and watch You Tube except Sione. He was on Instagram.When our parent arrived home we say goodbye to my friends and they went with their parents.

Who am I?

My name is Nehilofi Lisala.I am 10 years old.I am full Tongan and half Samoan.At Tonga I live with my family there for lots of year until we find out that we have won a special free time for us to go and live in New Zealand and make our new life there.We felt sorry for our family at Tonga but we have to leave.At New Zealand we went to a beautiful school called Glenbrae.I have a lot of fun in my new school.My teachers name is Mr Nath.

I have 2 beautiful sisters and they always like to play with dolls and jumping on my bed. And 2 annoying and helpful brothers My parents work from 10 am to 12 pm.My favorite subject is  Reading,Math and Writing.My favorite color is red,pink and blue.My favorite sport is netball and rugby.My favorite food is Tongan food.My favorite famous singer are Selena Gomez,Taylor Swift,Ariana Grade.My favorite fruit is apple.

I would like to follow my dreams and be a ballet girl,a gymnast and last is to be a singer.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Water Fun Day

Today we had water fun day.We went changing and we all sit on our class line.The teacher that was joining  Kauri is Mrs Ripata,Mrs Rag and for Kowhai was Ms Kee and Nikau was Mrs Tofa and Ms Smith and for Rata was Mr Nath,Ms Pauuvale and Ms Kelly.

In our class we went to the water slide first so the game works like this.We have to fill the container and then slide on the water slide all the way to the bottom and run with container and pour the water inside our container to our house color bucket.Mrs Rag rang the bell and we started the game.My first try I slide fast and I flipped to the front and continued again.I have a lot of fun with my team and it was time for us to wet to an another game.

Up next we went to this game is called walk the plank the rules is you have to walk the plank  and get the container and filled them up with water then pour it into each other house color bucket.Mrs Rag rang the bell and we started the game.When I have my first try I was so scared but when I was walking fast on the plank I almost fell down.Me and my team liked it but we mostly liked the water slide

After when we went to the game called walk the plank.We went to another game call the cup challenge.The rules are we have do partner with someone and fill the it with water and run or walk to our color houses bin and pour it into our house color bins.On my first try we all work on a team and we made a plan.So our plan was that we only walk to the bin and take our time and then run fast back to our lines.Mrs Tofa ranged the bell and we started the game.We look at people running fast and the water keeps on dripping down fast to the floor.

After when we finished playing the cup challenge we went to a game call up and down or over and under.The game goes like this we have to stand in a line and past each other a sponge and we pass the sponge all around put up and under.The last person at the back will run with the sponge and squeeze it into our house color bin.Our first round was easy our bin was almost full but Kowhai was beating us.We try harder but they were still beating us.

Our last game called the  zigzag goes like this.You have to fill your container with water And run on the zigzag and pour the water in the container into our house color bin.I first try but then our one was small and Kowhai was winning.We try harder and harder but we were still going to lose.After when we all get a turn Mrs Rag rang the bell and it was times up.It was time for us to measure the water we all waited until it was time for the biggest surprise to tell who is the winning team.

We were all waiting until they said Kowhai won,Rata came 2st,Nikau came 3rd and Kauri game last place.The winning team has to go and have a swim for 15 minute and the other people when change and ate ice blocks.When we all finished we thought we all have a lot of fun and also it was not about the winning it was about having fun.We all enjoyed the water fun day.We hoped that we will do it again next time.Myself.